Live workshop starts at 9:15 am October 24, 2017. Everyone is welcome to join. Come for 15 minutes or stay for the whole time. 🙂

The goal of the workshop is for off-site participants to get actively involved in a series of hands on activities. The times below are estimates with some activities likely to take more or less time and will adjust accordingly. The workshop can be joined by anyone off-site. Please feel free to join at any time during the workshop.

We will be logged in 15 minutes early and will be available for troubleshooting if required. For more set up or troubleshooting information, you can also visit the Blue Jeans help center.


Tips for connecting via Blue Jeans. The tool offers the option to connect by phone via a 1-800 number (that may or may not work outside of Canada). If you have access to a phone, this is likely the most reliable audio choice.


Schedule & Activity links

All times in Pacific Daylight Time

9:15 am - 9:30 am Welcome and introductions

9:30 am - 9:45 am Warm-up activity

Facilitator: Sherri Spelic

Get up and moving while we enjoy our morning coffee in western Canada, lunch further east and evening tea evening further east 🙂

9:45 am - 10:00 am Take an interesting pic and/ or post an intro to the cork board

Facilitator: Autumm Caines

This is a quick activity to get a sense of who has joined the workshop and our surroundings. Take a picture and pin it to the cork board. If you run into problems completing the activity during the live session, just shout out to one of us and we'll do our best to help.


Tip: If you take a picture on your phone, try to access the cork board padlet from your phone (if seems to work on some phones, but not others...) If that doesn't work, email the picture to yourself and upload on your computer. If you only have a phone and Padlet doesn't work and you are offsite, email your picture to me at and I'll upload it for you 🙂


10:00 am - 10:15 am Creativity, Distance Learning & Connections

Facilitator: Clare Thomson

What does creativity look like as part of an online Masters program? Clare will share some of her assignments and experiences as an online student at the University of Edinburgh.

10:15 am - 10:30 am - Break

10:30 am - 11:15 am  Annotated Manifesto Discussion

Facilitator: Michelle Harrison

We will first take a look at the great pre-workshop annotations made to the Manifesto for Online Learning and Teaching. After identifying some themes and / or questions for further discussions, we will break into smaller groups (combining our off-site and onsite participants) for a deeper discussion. Groups 1-2 will use Google Hangouts. Group 3-4 will use


Important: You need to CLOSE the Blue Jeans webinar software BEFORE joining the breakouts below or you may get feedback. If you can't access the breakouts below, come back to the main workshop (Blue Jeans via the purple workshop button) and we can assist from there.


To join Groups 1-2 using Google Hangouts:

  1. Close main video conference (Blue Jeans)
  2. Open a browser window in Chrome (if not already there)
  3. Click/ copy the appropriate link below

Breakout group 1 (Christina):

Breakout group 2 (Rajiv):

To join Groups 3-4 using

  1. Close main video conference (Blue Jeans)
  2. Open a browser window in Firefox (if not already there)
  3. Click/ copy the appropriate link below

Breakout group 3 (Laura):

Breakout group 4 (Brian):

By the end of the session, we hope to have developed some key takeaways, ideas, questions and/or possible extension activities that can form the basis for a blog post on the Manifesto's site.

11:15 am - 11:30 am Responding to sound

Facilitators: Laura Ritchie & Tanya Dorey-Elias

Participants will be asked to listen to the sounds gathered in the Sound Gallery before the workshop and select a sound to respond to by creating a drawing and/or poem. Works will be uploaded on the site with the associated sounds and with or without the name of the creator (anonymity can help in supporting folks to take risks ;))

11:30 am - 11:45 am Wrap-up